Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Amphibians app - an Android app written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose

The Amphibians app:

The Amphibians app is developed based on the MarsPhotos app architecture. The code has been copied, pasted and adapted from the MarsPhotos app to the Amphibians app. This is what the app will look like when it's finished:

Download the latest code from:


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Mars Photos Android app written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose

I've just finished this Mars Photos app codelab:

to create an app that retrieves data from the internet - in this case, the app retrieves a list of URLs of NASA photographs of the surface of Mars. Each photograph is displayed in a scrollable grid on the phone display:

See the code here:

After reviewing the material covered so far, I will continue on to practise projects, then tackle the next topic, apps and databases.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Screen navigation with Jetpack Compose

Today I started this codelab. I'm currently studying the starter code for the Cupcake app to figure out how Jetpack Compose makes it easy to code navigation between UI screens. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Jetpack Compose and ViewModel to handle state

When using Jetpack Compose, ViewModel is the primary means of exposing screen UI state to your composables. 

ViewModel codelab

I'm currently studying how the ViewModel works in Jetpack Compose so that I can include a ViewModel in my own Android apps. I then move on to testing apps and navigation to a new screen within one activity. I've been stuck on these topics for a while and am reviewing my own documentation on this.

The Amphibians app - an Android app written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose

The Amphibians app: The Amphibians app is develo...